FaithCentre is a Christian faith-based umbrella of services and programs that are available to all people within the greater Bellefonte, Pennsylvania area. We offer a Food Bank, Pet Food Pantry, free Coffee Corner, Clothing Voucher program, and emergency aid. Volunteers and community groups are always warmly welcomed in our Thrift Store and Food Bank.



Begun as a conversation between Rev. Doyle Klinger and David Dimmick of Faith United Methodist Church, FaithCentre was officially formed in October 2002 and incorporated in June 2003. Over the years, FaithCentre has grown from a one-room operation to a two-building facility that houses the Thrift Store and Boutique, our Coffee Corner, the Food Bank for the greater Bellefonte area, and the Pet Food Pantry of Centre County.
The FaithCentre has always grown organically and in response to emerging local needs. In our efforts to promote social good and transform the lives of community members, we will be launching a scholarship program in 2023 to help low-income area high school students realize their dreams of higher education. More information on this scholarship will be available as we move into the 2022-2023 academic year.

Coffee Corner

Open to the public from 10 am-3 pm, Monday through Friday, the Coffee Corner offers free beverages and snacks to all our visitors. Pastries, coffee, cold drinks, and (when the staff is inspired to cook) full meals are provided with our compliments. If you are seeking refreshment, an engaging conversation, or a respite from a day downtown, our Coffee Corner is an inviting and relaxing spot to unwind and catch up with the FaithCentre team.

FaithCentre Thrift Store
Inside the FaithCentre Thrift Shop
Coffee Corner at the FaithCentre